Here's a couple of links: go read them (but probably not at work, obligatory NSFW tag here), and don't get squeamish because it's talking about things you don't like, I'm not judging; hell, you might be into those things. I don't care. And nor should *anybody* else.

This is the line from Myles Jackman (obscenity lawyer) which you will see quoted everywhere (and rightly so):

"Pornography is the canary in the coalmine of free speech: it is the first freedom to die. If this assault on liberty is allowed to go unchallenged, other freedoms will fall as a consequence."

How deep does this rabbit hole go? Where and when do these people who want to manage our choices and force us to comply stop? All BDSM? Will they censor any LGBTQ content next? What about more extreme forms of heterosexual pornography? Any pornography whatsoever, whether it be filmed, photographed, drawn/CGI, or the written word?

OK, so I may be guilty of applying a little reductio ad absurdum, but do you believe that the people who come up with such prudish, sexist laws will stop at just this? Yes, I said sexist. If you look at the list of acts which are now illegal (see that fist link back up there), there is a definite skew towards making acts where women are

If unaccountable bodies can decide that certain content is "undesirable" when produced in the UK, will the next step be to shout about the fact that "this sort of thing" can be obtained from abroad, so the only answer is a Great Firewall of Britain. And not only is that nasty pornography a Thing We Should Stop, then what about terrorist materials, and religious extremism? Won't Somebody Think of The Children? We couldn't possibly let the poor kiddies be exposed to such fanaticism.

Nobody could argue that we should allow children to view extreme pornography, radical fundamentalism, and terrorist propaganda, could they? We should censor information about blocking and evading any such Internet censorship too, so any information and knowledge of VPNs is clear evidence of intent to do something wrong.

You know, we have this Great Firewall of Britain in place now, and after the Government closed down the NHS, it is receiving a lot of ill-feeling, so we should probably just flip the switch on the GFoB to block any seditious communications too. In fact, why stop at blocking, we should enable the option to forward the alert to the registered user's local constabulary.

Unfortunately it seems that those with power don't seem to want to leave us alone to get on with our lives like the adult individuals that we are, instead taking the view that "something must be done" to protect the stupid people who couldn't possibly look after themselves.

Enough of this crap. Support backlash, write to your MP, shout about this to all of your friends and get them to do the same.

I've had enough of the nannying from the government, and you should have too.